Music Education
with Kelly Mollnow Wilson

I have been teaching flute students since 1992.
Weekly private lessons for 30, 45, or 60 minutes are available for flutists of all ages and abilities taught in my home in Medina, OH.
My teaching emphasizes Body Mapping principles, quality tone production and rhythmic understanding and accuracy.
For more information about scheduling, please contact me to send your request.
I was also lead author for the book Teaching Woodwinds: A Guide for Students and Teachers. Click the button below the learn more.
Studio Policies
1. Every student is expected to be prepared for each lesson. Preparation involves practice of all assigned tasks for the week. Improvement comes only with consistent practice.
2. The following materials should be brought to every lesson: flute, pencil, all music and etude books, and a notebook for assignments and lesson notes. A music stand of the proper height is necessary for practice purposes but does not need to be brought to the lesson.
1. An instrument in good working condition, a music stand of the correct height, and an appropriate practice environment with good lighting must be provided. A tuner and a metronome are highly recommended.
2. Parental support and encouragement are always desirable. Encouragement can involve helping your child arrange and maintain a regular practice time, helping your child remember lesson times and materials needed for the lesson, and arranging for listening opportunities such as attending concerts.
1. The lesson fee is $30.00 per half hour lesson and should be paid monthly at the beginning of each month. Checks made out to Kelly Wilson or cash are acceptable. Lessons will be suspended after payment is three weeks overdue unless other arrangements have been made.
2. If it is necessary to cancel a lesson, the teacher must be notified at least 24 hours in advance via phone or email. If proper notice is not given, the student will be charged for the lesson. If the teacher needs to cancel a lesson, the same rule of 24 hours advance notice will apply. If the teacher does not give proper notice, the student’s next lesson will be free of charge. Pre-arranged teacher absences will be made up or credited to next month’s lessons. Emergencies are, of course, an exception.
3. Two incidences of failure to give proper cancellation notice will result in the termination of lessons.